Pilot Information
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*  Heated  Hangars  For LEASE  
Basic VFR Weather Minimums

Airspace Flight Visibility Distance from Clouds

Class A

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Class B

3 statute miles

Clear of Clouds

Class C

3 statute miles

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal

Class D

3 statute miles

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal

Class E

Less than 10,000 feet MSL

3 statute miles

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal

At or above 10,000 feet MSL

5 statute miles

1,000 feet below

1,000 feet above

1 statute mile horizontal

Class G

1,200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude).

Day, except as provided in section 91.155(b)

1 statute mile

Clear of clouds

Night, except as provided in section 91.155(b)

3 statute miles

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal

More than 1,200 feet above the surface but less than 10,000 feet MSL.


1 statute mile

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal


3 statute miles

500 feet below

1,000 feet above

2,000 feet horizontal

More than 1,200 feet above the surface and at or above 10,000 feet MSL.

5 statute miles

1,000 feet below

1,000 feet above

1 statute mile horizontal

NOTE:   VFR minimums 1000' ceiling for

landing and takeoff in controlled airspace.


VFR Cruising Altitudes and Flight Levels

(See TBL 3-1-2.)

VFR Cruising Altitudes 

If your magnetic course

(ground track) is:  (A)

And you are more than 3,000 feet above the surface but below 18,000 feet  MSL, fly: (B)

  (A)  0° to 179°

(B) Odd thousands MSL, plus 500 feet

(3,500; 5,500; 7,500, etc.)

(A) 180° to 359°

(B)  Even thousands MSL, plus 500 feet

(4,500; 6,500; 8,500, etc.)

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