Meadow Lake Airport
Board of Directors Meeting REPORT
October 18, 2007
The Meeting was called to order at 3:08 PM
Members in attendance:
Jack Dhooghe Lee Wolford David Elliott Mike Easley
Absent Richard Martin
Verlin Schauer Arrived mid meeting
Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the September 11, 2007 meeting were read – David Elliott had one correction: Taxiway F (foxtrot) does not go through to Cessna Drive on the west side. Minutes were approved with the one correction (5-0)
Treasurer Report - Lee Wolford:
Current checking account balance $ 5,773.87
Current Money Market balance $158,143.22
Interest $ 1,431.87
2006 Grant Money Received/Deposited $ 2,683.02
Remaining Grant Money $ 3,037.10
2007 Grant Money (application denied) $ 0.00
2008 Grant Money (application pending) $ 650,000.00
Down to final payments to ADG – Invoice received for zoning to be paid along with 3 misc. outstanding bills
ECHO West Taxiway Funding
Funds donated by adjacent property owners $3,630.22
Funds donated from voluntary donors $1,260.00
# of adjacent owners who agreed to pay 48
Received 17
Not received 31
# of Voluntary donations 15
Permission agreements received 5
Discussion on what constitutes the right of way on property adjacent to ECHO taxiway will be addressed by Lee with Victoria.
Echo / Foxtrot resurfacing project - David Elliott: David asked if the letters going out said anything about resurfacing Foxtrot – David read from a transcript of the meeting - after some discussion about the motion and voting at the September meeting Lee asked the board to wait to address Foxtrot until Echo has been resurfaced. Foxtrot pending!
Treasurers Report approved – VOTE: 4-1 abstain (David Elliott did not vote/per Mark Shook’s audio recording)
Equipment Report - Richard Martin:
All of the equipment is ready for winter and fuel supplies are full
The Rotating Beacon can be sent to the manufacturer to have it remanufactured for $500 to $600 – A new one would run around $5,000
ACC Report – Richard Martin:
There has been no contacts.
Presidents Report - Jack Dhooghe:
The letters for Voting on the Articles of Incorporation Change have been sent.
Victoria has received a call from the FAA regarding the status of the voting on the Articles of Incorporation change – where are we with the ballots and what method of counting the ballots is to be used? Per Victoria: we are to use a simple majority based on tax assessment for counting the ballots.
The Super Intercom has been fixed temporarily.
A General membership meeting will tentatively to be held at the November 13, 2007 meeting at 6:00PM.
At this time Jack Dhooghe, President, requested the Board vote on a replacement for Donn Ravers, Secretary who resigned after the September meeting. Lee Wolford nominated Jean Jenkins, Richard Martin seconded and Jean was appointed by a vote of 3/2, duties to commence immediately.
Committee Reports:
MLA Development Committee - Jean Jenkins: Nothing to report.
MLAA By-Law Committee - Mike Easley: Mike was absent - no report.
Old Business
Lee Wolford took himself off of the transient parking and signage for RW33 projects and asked Ron Lee to take responsibility of installing tie downs for the transient parking and getting a quote to redo the signage on RW33 and report back to the Board at the November meeting.
The Legal fee payments in question have been resolved. – money collected.
Non-Profit status is maintained - the State accepted the request for an extension on our tax exempt status.
Lee has a meeting with CDOT regarding fuel tax rebate application process
Treasurer still unsure of a list of members in good standing
Julie Woolrich – a water attorney consulted on the 4 Way Ranch proposal – she advised Jack to hold off any decision at the present time. The board may want to consider using Ms. Woolrich for future Water issues.
Gene Johnston of Classic Fuel is requesting permission to grade and pave a section of the taxiway to accommodate his self serve fuel supply. There would be no cost to the airport. Target operational date is November or December. Richard made a motion that we accept the proposal; Verlin seconded the motion, Vote 6/0 to give Gene the requested permission.
New Business
Lee reported on the AWOS: CDOT grant will help fund AWOS we will be one of the first on the list when the units become available. There is currently no information on availability but it is still a viable option.
Comprehensive MLA taxiway improvement plan was approved in 2002. David Elliott says we have had one since 2002 but it has not been used in recent discussions. Discussion was held regarding the legalities of the airport resurfacing Echo and other taxiways. We need to look updating the plan and adopt a policy that allows the board to maintain all taxiways. It was decided to consult Victoria about legal easements beginning with Cessna Drive and expand to include all taxiways.
David Elliott reported on a request by the new Post Master at Peyton’s request to provide each address with a mail receptacle – David will continue to work with the Post Master on developing a workable solution to this request and he will provide the map/list to the police, ambulance service and fire department.
Approved by a Vote 6/0
There is currently a study on the rerouting of State HWY #24. The intersections are to proceed and there are funds allocated in the 2008 county budget along with 5 different public entities looking at funding roads near here. There is Money in 2008 to design the Stapleton extension down to Highway #24 with construction to begin in a year or two. There is money in the 2011 budget to design the Curtis extension to Highway #24 with construction to begin in another year or 2. Judge Orr is to remain as is in the foreseeable future. The other roads extending to Highway #24 will alleviate some of the traffic on Judge Orr.
No resolution have been arrived at regarding the speeding on Cessna Drive, aircraft/vehicle conflicts, and the diesel shop
It was agreed by all for David Elliott to repair the bulletin board on Cessna Drive
David Elliott will make templates, buy the supplies and paint caution zones on Cessna Drive
David Elliott reported on Water Storage for Fire Fighting – there are free supply tanks available - we would have to dig them out, move them and refill the holes where we remove them. Verlin says they are unable to estimate the cost - no decision was arrived at. Alternative source would be the pipeline along the north side of Judge Orr – can we have a hydrant installed at the intersection of Cessna Drive and Judge Orr and what would that cost be compared to moving the tanks.
Motion to adjourn: Lee made a Motion to adjourn, it was second by Richard: Approved (6/0)
Jean Jenkins
MLAA Secretary
*This is a summary of the MLAA BOD meeting. Minutes must be reviewed and approved at the next board meeting