meadow lake airport association inc.
"Colorado’s Largest Pilot Owned Airport"
www. MeadowLake
Board of Directors Meeting –Tuesday - February 10, 2004
President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 3:09 pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook.
Absent : None
Copies of the Minutes of the January meeting were provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Minutes were compiled from notes taken by Jamie Johnston, (due to the absence of the Secretary last month). Mark Shook made a motion that the Minutes be approved as amended.
2nd Gene Kear. Approved 7-0.
Treasurers Report/Dave Elliott.
Due to the many guests and the full agenda, President Jack Dhooghe suggested we table the balance of the reports until next months meeting. Mark Shook made that motion, which was approved by unanimous consent.
George Brewer reported to the board that we have applied and been approved for a $2.1 Million Dollar Loan from the Colorado Aeronautics Board at a low interest rate (estimated to be around 5% APR) We have been approved for a $150,000 FAA Reliever Grant and an additional $150,000 C-DOT State Grant for 2004, plus grants for land. ($2.4 Million combined for 2004.)
We also have a $325,000.00 Loan at 0% Interest until June 2004 from the seller of the 163 acre parcel. We have been told that the matching FAA Grant should be available before that date to pay off this purchase.
George stated he is working on 3 other parcels to the south . The parcel between our south fence line and Falcon Highway, is now under contract (for purchase by MLAA) from the California group that owns it. The missing Link is the Pfost Agreement. The FAA has approved the purchase. The Norris property is also approved for purchase, but that agreement is still in negotiation.
When all targeted parcels are transferred, they will more than double the size of the Airport property owned by the Meadow Lake Airport Association. Property purchase is necessary before the FAA can fund the planned lengthening of the runway to 8300 feet (8300 X 75) from the current 5999 X 60 feet.
The future expansion and construction of Stapleton Blvd to tie into Briargate Parkway and connect to Curtis Road at Hwy 24 will further enhance the accessibility of the Meadow Lake Airport. George sees the airport leasing some of its new land for more hangars, larger FBO’s or industrial uses as a future source of additional revenue for the Airport. George expects the FAA to grant a total of 2.4 Million dollars for airport expansion to the Meadow Lake Airport in 2004, or Fiscal 2005.
Jim Sirhall (Airport Development Group Inc.) then presented a new revised plan for an expanded and relocated crosswind runway that would extend from the current N-S runway eastward to the west property boundary of the existing homes on Curtis Road. George stated the FAA is ready to fund a new longer paved Crosswind Runway.
Vickie Gibson (civil engineer) appeared for Colorado Engineering Inc. (on behalf of Paul Bryant who was unable to attend). Colleen Dawson (E I) and Paul Danley (Engineering Supervisor EPC) representing the El Paso County Department of Transportation answered questions and informed the board of several major developments to the north and east of the Airport that will have a major planning impact on our area.
Keith Strickland appeared before the board. Keith stated that he was aware of the West Nile Virus hazard the large open drainage pit he recently dug on his property poses to the surrounding human and animal population, and stated that he intended to cover the exposed water his excavation uncovered. Keith assured the board he would make the pit smaller and shallower right away.
Mr. Stickland then presented his request for the boards approval of his plan to vacate a portion of the 100 foot wide (E-W) taxiway north of his property. It was brought to the boards attention that the MLAA has no authority to approve a vacation of a platted taxiway. Legal council has previously advised our corporate officers that it would take 100% of all the landowners that have access to any given taxiway. (In this case all landowners on the Airport have access to all platted taxiways at the airport). Even one dissenting landowner could block the easement vacation process. Dave Elliott also pointed out that the taxiways were platted at 100 ft so 2 aircraft could pass in opposite directions, and he would oppose it on those grounds. Greg Johnson representing Steve Johnson (one nearby landowner) stated that Steve also objects to narrowing that taxiway. The request was denied by unanimous consent.
A report from the By-Law Review subcommittee appointed by the board in 2003 has submitted its Report. A copy was given to all Board members for their review. Action on this report was tabled until the March meeting to give the board members a chance to carefully review the report.
The US Department of Homeland security has designated the Meadow Lake Airport as the site of a major Terrorist incident. Jack Dhooghe informed the board that Homeland Security, in cooperation with El Paso County, City of Colorado Springs, Shriever AFB, and Peterson AFB will conduct a Terrorist Response Exercise on May 12, 2004. The proposed exercise "crash site" is in front of the Association Building on Meadow Lake Airport. Homeland Security assured us that the airport will not be shut down while this exercise is conducted. President Dhooghe asked the board to approve the use of the association property, as he felt it was part of our contribution to the community to assist in whatever way we can. The presidents request was approved by unanimous consent.
The meeting was Adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Shook/Secretary Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.