meadow lake airport association inc.
"Colorado’s Largest Pilot Owned Airport"
www. MeadowLake
Board of Directors Meeting –Tuesday – March 3, 2004
President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 3:10 pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook.
Absent : None
Copies of the Minutes of the February meeting were provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Richard Martin made a motion that the Minutes be approved as amended.
2nd Dave Elliott. Approved 7-0.
Treasurers Report/Dave Elliott.
Dave presented a written Report, which was shared and discussed with the board. Dave reported our current savings, money market, and checking account balance is $2,706,658.00. We have paid out $956,000.00 to the (O’Sullivan) group for approximately 180 acres for tracts 9B,C,D, and Tracts BA, BB.
Dave reports we have collected $22,000.00 in 2004 dues so far, and $32,000.00 from Gary Conover for the 10% contribution to the airport improvement fund due the airport from the Meadow Lake Development Company.
The results of the recent IRS audit of the Airport Association will be made available to us in 4 to 6 weeks.
Dave reported he has heard back from the Airports Insurance carrier, and they are OK with the Homeland Security Disaster drill scheduled to be held in May at the Airport.
Richard Martin/ Vehicles
Richard reports block heaters have been installed on the large plow truck, and the ford tractor. The broom is now working. Richard reported that we will be paying our contract mechanic more as he raised his rate to us.
Richard relayed a request from the EAA to allow them to improve the back stairs at the Associations Hangar with donated material and at no cost to the association. The request was approved by Unanimous consent.
Richard informed the Board that the EAA planned to hold a Pancake Breakfast and Aviation event on Saturday August 21, 2004.
The pending land purchase(s) and $3.5 million Loan from the Colorado Aeronautics Board were approved by the General Membership at a Special meeting on Friday February 27, 2004. The vote was 100% Approve, 0% Opposed.
Chairman of the membership by-law review committee, Ed Kwiatkowski, presented the committees several page report, and recommendations to the board. Each item the committee recommended for change was reviewed by the board. The board recommends the committee present the revised changes to the membership at the annual meeting with a yes or no choice for each change.
Jack Dhooghe reported that the super Unicom is being worked on and parts have been shipped to repair the unit. Bill’s son Brad Chandler is assisting in the repairs.
The meeting was Adjourned at 5:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mark Shook/Secretary Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.